But how much will it cost? How much Orban will they have to buy to open a prestigious, Zelensky account?

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I know you're being cattivo, Rosso, but it's an interesting question.

Military aid to the Ukrainians so far is estimated at €128 billion (http://bit.ly/3ZpoyEL) and the cost of rebuilding damaged infrastructure at $138 billion so far (http://bit.ly/3EFKio4). The economy shrank 30% last year and the Ukrainian needs $3-4 per month to stay afloat. This (http://bit.ly/3SBbWrW) from Mark Cancian for CSIS is a good summary of the next stages of aid from the US perspective. After that and after the war, the biggest costs to the EU would be the phasing-in of agricultural and regional aid and, to NATO states, the costs of keeping their eastern wall armed and ready.

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